B. Reading comprehension – Fill in the blanks

Read our article about “présent à valeur de futur” on pages 16-17 of English Now.No 133. Then, write the sentence with the present continuous (he is leaving) or the present simple (the train leaves, etc.) with the verbs between parenthesis.
1. A: My parents on holiday next week.
B: Oh, that’s nice. Where (they/go)?

2. Silvia is doing an English course at the moment. The course (finish) on Friday.

3. A. How (you/get) home after the party tomorrow? By Taxi?
B. No, I can’t go by bus. The last bus (leave) at midnight.

4. A. What (you/do) tomorrow afternoon?
B. I (work).

5. (you go) out tonight? No, I’m too tired.

6. We (go) to a concert tonight. It (start) at 7.30.

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